
Improper chelation story

Video/YouTube  link to my improper chelation story: I wrote this to be shared so other people know what can happen if you do improper chelation. It’s. Re write of what I wrote at “summary”  I’ve added it in here:    I wanted to write up my experience for a few reasons. One being that I want to help and warn other people what can happen to you when you take random detox powders and the chemically wrong chelators, and what can happen if you take the correct chelators improperly.  I want to stress and emphasis that improper binders and even correct chelators are medications that can be extremely dangerous if used incorrectly and need to be respected with the highest reverence. It's serious stuff. You're dealing with chemistry. What  happened to me was real, and it should never have happened. Naturopaths, scientists , functional medicine doctors and the medical industry in general are letting people down by ignorantly allowing the w

Round 71 (51 ALA)

Diagnosed with Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism  Excerpt from Amalgam illness-Andy cutler p.45   This is a page from my uni journal at the time I fell ill. What strikes me is that I wrote this on the 12.3.20 and I I had that dizzy spell in class that really was the end of my health on the 14.3.20. Above is a list of what I had been eating that day as I was beginning to feel sooo faint between meals. I still have this as a major symptom now.  “I am beginning to feel unwell, I am dizzy, my thoughts are cloudy. Colours are changing?” I find this a spooky note that I left in my journal. Who would have thought the life changing ride I would embark on. **** -19th August 2023 began thyroid medication 60mg.  -Had a better week, thought I was coming out of my crash after an awful 7 weeks, but now feeling bad today.  2mg ALA+2.5mg DMPS  Spinny feeling to to left has stopped and last week I was able todo a lot more (went to mum to Bunnings etc). Things are still very touchy. Very mild dizzy spe

Round 64 (ALA 47)

This is the red face I’ve been getting randomly and if I am in the shade (extreme sensitivity to sun).  So I am getting blood tests for lupus.   So I have completed 9 ALA rounds in a row. This is so far the longest consecutive rounds of ALA. This time last year I had to stop every 4 rounds and take a break.  Also I thought I was heading for a crash that usually lasts a minimum of 9 days but it only lasted 4.  My eyes are not as sore as last time I posted but I am doing my diligence to stay off my phone as much as possible. I am also incorporating daily eye exercises into my routine. I am now taking flax seed, sancha inchi for omega 3 and liposomal vitamin C.  I am still having all my usually symptoms but I am able to cope with my daily chores I have todo somewhat. I have noticed I always feel worse Saturday and Sunday. Which is weird because I chelate Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I’m trying to hard to stay strong. In my head multiple times a day I say to myself it will get better, I

Round 59 (42 ALA)

 So for about two weeks now I have been doing a bit better. Every day I’m roughly feeling 3.5 on a how do I feel scale.  For about 10+ I was feeling worse, every day was agony, such a struggle to get through. I’m still really struggling but it’s not so painful. I can sit and listen to audible books more comfortably. I can take Wally for 1 or 2 short walks a day. I am happy enough in myself that I can listen to music. I have also started doing 10 minutes of yoga in the morning.  This is a photo of me now. It is a huge difference from round 17. You can see from a year ago my illness really showed on my face. I am still really sick but I am doing everything I can do help my body.  Symptoms: Severe brain fog  Up and down sensation  Ataxia (unbalanced) Unfocused all the time  Memory is pretty bad  Sore and unfocused eyes  Sometimes get head pressure  Trouble thinking Spaced out  Hypoglycaemia (this is actually improving since taking chromium picolinate)  I’ve been having eye issues. My eyes

Round 57 (40 ALA)

This is a photo of Wally and I from awhile ago  So I do have a bit better news then last time I posted. Yesterday I did more jobs then I have been able todo in about 10 weeks. I sold two palms, sold a sauna blanket, and half cleaned a bbq. I also managed to take Wally to a doggy park in the afternoon but it was still difficult. Weird because the day before was just awful. I even had a mild dizzy sensation while laying down the day before.  I don’t expect to keep having days like this as it’s really been up and down. Even this morning I still feel the on the boat sensation. I will have to see how today goes. This  going to be my second round of just ALA 3mg. I am still taking a break from my other supplements. Feeling a little more positive. I want to be better by two years. Currently over 14 months into this. 


 So I abandoned round 56 which was just DMPS 2.5 mg because I developed a rash. I don’t know if it is from DMPS or not so I thought it’s better to be safe then sorry. As a rash is an indication before a big allergic reaction. I have to admit I am not well. I have slipped back quite a lot in the last 8 weeks or so. In the mornings I wake up and I feel like I could fall out of bed with the on a boat feeling and I feel slightly spinny. I have constant head pressure. It also feeling like there is a bucket of water in my head and it sloshes from side to side. I am also unbalanced and it’s hard to walk around.  I am making plans to go up north for my mum to look after me as I am struggling doing chores. I have a little dog and I haven’t been able to walk him every day.  I am going to look into mould as another culprit as there has been a little bit of a musky smell in my apartment but I can’t see any mould.  It had been an emotionally charged time frame as I thought I would be a lot better b

Round 52

So I finally came out of the epic crash.  I’m still not super great but I am not in agony like I was in the crash. This morning I managed to walk Wally to the lake and back and I’m going to attempt to walk this again tonight. I have been having sore eyes though for the last two days and I’m worried by eyes will go back to being sore 24/7. Really hope not. For round 52 I just did DMPS 2.5mg a “mop up round”  So crazy I was watching a video on eye health and the doctor suggested an eye supplement with Alpha Liapoic acid in it. So crazy, why are doctors so ignorant they don’t know it’s a heavy metal chelator?  Fingers crossed my eyes will sort themselves out. I’ve been getting floaters and dark spots when I draw without sunnies on. It’s like my eyes are sensitive to light ? Or maybe they’re just dry, I dono.  ***** Eyes are back to being a bit better thank god. (19/3/23)