Round 57 (40 ALA)

This is a photo of Wally and I from awhile ago

 So I do have a bit better news then last time I posted. Yesterday I did more jobs then I have been able todo in about 10 weeks. I sold two palms, sold a sauna blanket, and half cleaned a bbq. I also managed to take Wally to a doggy park in the afternoon but it was still difficult. Weird because the day before was just awful. I even had a mild dizzy sensation while laying down the day before. 

I don’t expect to keep having days like this as it’s really been up and down. Even this morning I still feel the on the boat sensation. I will have to see how today goes. This  going to be my second round of just ALA 3mg. I am still taking a break from my other supplements. Feeling a little more positive. I want to be better by two years. Currently over 14 months into this. 


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