Round 52

So I finally came out of the epic crash. 

I’m still not super great but I am not in agony like I was in the crash. This morning I managed to walk Wally to the lake and back and I’m going to attempt to walk this again tonight.

I have been having sore eyes though for the last two days and I’m worried by eyes will go back to being sore 24/7. Really hope not.

For round 52 I just did DMPS 2.5mg a “mop up round” 

So crazy I was watching a video on eye health and the doctor suggested an eye supplement with Alpha Liapoic acid in it. So crazy, why are doctors so ignorant they don’t know it’s a heavy metal chelator? 

Fingers crossed my eyes will sort themselves out. I’ve been getting floaters and dark spots when I draw without sunnies on. It’s like my eyes are sensitive to light ? Or maybe they’re just dry, I dono. 


Eyes are back to being a bit better thank god. (19/3/23) 


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