Round 64 (ALA 47)

This is the red face I’ve been getting randomly and if I am in the shade (extreme sensitivity to sun).  So I am getting blood tests for lupus. 

 So I have completed 9 ALA rounds in a row. This is so far the longest consecutive rounds of ALA. This time last year I had to stop every 4 rounds and take a break. 

Also I thought I was heading for a crash that usually lasts a minimum of 9 days but it only lasted 4. 

My eyes are not as sore as last time I posted but I am doing my diligence to stay off my phone as much as possible. I am also incorporating daily eye exercises into my routine. I am now taking flax seed, sancha inchi for omega 3 and liposomal vitamin C. 

I am still having all my usually symptoms but I am able to cope with my daily chores I have todo somewhat. I have noticed I always feel worse Saturday and Sunday. Which is weird because I chelate Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I’m trying to hard to stay strong. In my head multiple times a day I say to myself it will get better, I will get better. Tonight was my first short evening night walk, which is an eye exercise. I am also trying to learn Spanish really slowly again. I make palm cards. 

I have noticed that usually the mornings are the hardest to get through. I really feel that “on a boat” sensation strongly then and I also feel a-bit lost. As it’s the beginning of a new day and I always feel so awful. I am now on 5.5mg ALA, not necessarily because I am feeling a lot better but I am just dosing it up as I feel I really need to get the ball rolling with higher doses. I haven’t had a severe dizzy spell in awhile so I take this as a good sign. 

I attempted to eat less meat but I feel a faintness even when I am full. Especially at night. I am now 16 months in the dump phase. I really hope this ends soon. Currently I have a bit of head pressure and my usually brain fog, disorientation symptoms etc. 

I have been managing to draw and I am practising that every day while listening to audible books. Currently ready Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reed. I have so far been able to take Wally for a short walk every day.. 

last week I listened to a book called “Follow the River” by James Alexander Thom. It’s the true story of Mary Ingles. Where two ladies walk roughly 800 miles along a river to get back home after being taken as slaves. I really thought as I was listening to this that I needed to listen to this book. When you are so very sick it’s easy to believe that you’re the only person in the whole wide world that is suffering and knows what it’s like. But that’s simply not true, other people are, other people have and have made it through to the other side. These two woman walked with no provisions through the wildness at the beginning of winter with nothing but their summer dresses, barefoot eventually, an axe and a pointy stick and starving. Many times Mary wanted to give up and didn’t. Just a little longer, she would tell herself. It also has a good sense of humour throughout which I love. This book really shows what the human body can endure and what a person can go through and survive. If anyone is sick right now and needs to pull strength from a true story about tenacity, this book is it. 

Side note:

I have tried to send this blog to people on messenger (Facebook) and post it under videos about the topic and apparently it goes against “user guidelines.”

I find this very sad. I’m not sure what is so conspiratorial about logging down what has happened to me. I think the word mercury is black listed. I have 0 agenda and I am a normal person who has gotten sick. It’s very sad. 

Also Robert Kennedy jr is on Joe Rogan today, he talks about mercury poisoning from fish.


16th June epic crash- will update soon 

So I was going only okay then bam. An epic huge crash  I feel a lot worse. I was sitting with my mum and I felt this severe wave of brain fog and spinny feeling come over me. I think this is one of my worst crashes, when you are in a crash you can’t help but think this will never end. One reason I might be worse is that I’ve upped my ALA to 5.5mg, I’ve been eating thiols… or is it the nature of the beast ? Yesterday I got some bloods done to check my Ana level again as I am now getting a red face sometimes. I also have some of the symptoms for lupus. Mums friend who is a nurse suggested that we look into that. Even just making it into the doctors office was hard, unbalanced, body hurting, severe brain fog. The doctor looked at me like I was annoying him.

“Well I don’t know how I can help you, I don’t know what I can do about brain fog, I think this is psychosomatic, maybe covid gave you brain fog, I don’t know I’ve only been doing this for 30 years.”  

I left in tears. I kept saying to him: I’m not going to give up on my health just yet.

My mum was there also and she couldn’t believe the general attitude of this doctor towards me. She thought it was disgusting. There was no care, there was no thoughtfulness and no compassion. You are made to feel like you shouldn’t have dared annoy them with your complaints. I couldn’t help but think this is why people with chronic illnesses commit suicide as I walked out of his office. I hope one day I can recover, write a book detailing my experiences and give it to him to read. 

Things need to change. 

**Have lowered to 3.5mg ALA

Actually no it’s still going 16+ days. Spinny like sensation has been on going since the crash.


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