Round 71 (51 ALA)

Diagnosed with Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism 
Excerpt from Amalgam illness-Andy cutler p.45

This is a page from my uni journal at the time I fell ill.
What strikes me is that I wrote this on the 12.3.20 and I I had that dizzy spell in class that really was the end of my health on the 14.3.20.

Above is a list of what I had been eating that day as I was beginning to feel sooo faint between meals. I still have this as a major symptom now. 

“I am beginning to feel unwell, I am dizzy, my thoughts are cloudy. Colours are changing?”

I find this a spooky note that I left in my journal. Who would have thought the life changing ride I would embark on.

-19th August 2023 began thyroid medication 60mg. 
-Had a better week, thought I was coming out of my crash after an awful 7 weeks, but now feeling bad today. 
2mg ALA+2.5mg DMPS 

Spinny feeling to to left has stopped and last week I was able todo a lot more (went to mum to Bunnings etc). Things are still very touchy. Very mild dizzy spell today. 
Going to look into Candida more as I have rash on abdomen still. I got these when I first became sick. 



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