Round 59 (42 ALA)

 So for about two weeks now I have been doing a bit better. Every day I’m roughly feeling 3.5 on a how do I feel scale.  For about 10+ I was feeling worse, every day was agony, such a struggle to get through. I’m still really struggling but it’s not so painful. I can sit and listen to audible books more comfortably. I can take Wally for 1 or 2 short walks a day. I am happy enough in myself that I can listen to music. I have also started doing 10 minutes of yoga in the morning. 
This is a photo of me now. It is a huge difference from round 17. You can see from a year ago my illness really showed on my face. I am still really sick but I am doing everything I can do help my body. 

Severe brain fog 
Up and down sensation 
Ataxia (unbalanced)
Unfocused all the time 
Memory is pretty bad 
Sore and unfocused eyes 
Sometimes get head pressure 
Trouble thinking
Spaced out 
Hypoglycaemia (this is actually improving since taking chromium picolinate) 

I’ve been having eye issues. My eyes feel unfocused and I am getting black floaters every now and then. I have started a great book and I think it’ll help me with my eyes. Or at least give me exercises to maintain good eye health. Turns out my right eye is the weaker eye.big emphasis on looking far into the distance every day. My eyes have been a bit more sore then usual for about 5 days now so I am hoping this helps.   I have also started taking bilberry to help with my eyes. 

I am now doing just 3.5 mg ALA and I’ve stopped the DMPS for now. I was getting rashes and when I did just AlA I feel the same so I think a break is in order. I am going to up my dose soon. I want to get upto 5 mg by the middle of June.

This is a very interesting right up about the dump phase. 

I am going to try to ferment my own foods. I have a feeling that the reason my eyes have such bad blepharitis is actually linked to a dysbiosis of good & bad bacteria in my gut. When I took rifaxamin for SIBO that’s when my eyes got even worse. I believe the antibiotic killed my good bacteria also. I am also looking into sprouting (when you grow them in jars) but they are high thiol so I am doing some more thinking.  I am going to attempt to eat less meat also, as my reactive hypoglycaemia has not been so bad (touch wood). I still have to eat every 3 hours but a huge drop in flood sugar isn’t happening as bad. 

It’s crazy to look back on those 10 weeks where I got worse for no apparent reason. I am glad those tough 10 weeks are over, that’s for sure. 


“From the bitterness of disease, man learned the sweetness of health”

- Catalan proverb 


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