Round 28 (13 ALA)

 So I am currently on round 28, 13 combo rounds with ALA.

I have increased my ALA dose by 0.5, so I am taking 1.5mg for the last 2 rounds.  Things are going okay.

So I am currently taking 2.5mg DMPS & 1.5 mg ALA. 

I had some blood results back recently and my Dr told me my liver results are improving. But I am a little low on Zinc, copper, selenium and Iodine. 

I have had really really sore eyes since I took a drug called roaccutane in 2017 but in September 2020 (7 months since being sick)  I took an antibiotic for my gut (SIBO) and since then they have been wayyy worse. Being sick in general has made them worse. Like it’s hard to focus my eyes on things. Went to an eye specialist the other day and they told me I have blepharitis. 

 An inflammation of the eyelid that affects the eyelashes or tear production.

Blepharitis commonly occurs when the tiny oil glands of the inner eyelid become inflamed. It often occurs along with other skin conditions or allergies.” 

I also got told there is no cure. I have been doing warm compresses and using a device called Nulids. Cleaning my eyes every other day. I have put a filter on my shower which stops fluoride and chlorine along with 200 other chemicals. I think it’s been helping my eyes. I also use this water to wash my face with and not regular tap water anymore. It’s a ProOne (Berky) brand. 

I have stopped using my sauna blanket and I think that’s actually helping with my symptoms. It might be stressing my adrenals out. 

I have been able to stay up until like 7/8pm and not crashing right after a shower like I used to. I still feel unwell though. Like I don’t think I’m improving exactly but I’m not feeling absolutely terrible like I noticed a few rounds back. Some days were just agony to get through, and it’s not so bad now. I still have severe brain fog, faintness when I haven’t eaten, balance issues, feel like I’m a on a boat a little etc. 

In the future I will use a normal big sauna like once or twice a week. 

I have been going for a bath, drawing a little, able to exercise a little like 10-15 minutes. I just lift dumbbells and do a few squats. Haven’t been able to go for a walk. When I walk around I feel like I am walking off balance. Skin is looking a touch clearer. I have recently started using a filter on my shower head and a new ProOne Filter. 

Current supplements: Vitamin C & E, magnesium, zinc, flax oil, fish oil, ACE, taurine, glycine, milk thistle, sunflower lecithin. 
I have been taking sunflower & pumpkin seeds and iodine salt to get my copper & iodine up. 

Next day 

 So funny because yesterday I was still feeling really sick but okay for me. But today I am feeling so so bad. Like it’s 4:20pm and I just want to go to bed. I feel sooooo out of it, on a boat sensation, weak, pressure in head. 

Just shows how up and down this all this. I don’t know why I am so much worse all of a sudden. Going todo just DMPS 2.5 mg tomorrow. 

I have noticed that after 4 rounds of ALA continuous I need a break for a week. Also feel kinda nauseous. 


Second day of round 29: feeling better now that I’m doing a solo DMPS round 2.5mg 


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