
Showing posts from July, 2022

Round 21 (7 ALA)

 Thus far I have done:  4 rounds 12.5 mg DMSA  10 rounds  2.5 DMPS  7 rounds 2.5 mg DMPS+ 1mg ALA (so in total 21 rounds).  I am planning on doing another combo round tomorrow for round 22.  I am not finding ALA too hard now. I think I’m going to be able todo ALA every week (hopefully). But overall I don’t feel any better, but not any worse either.  I have noticed that I usually feel worse on the third and fourth OFF day and worse after 11am and in the evenings. Today I actually went with my mum to a garden center but I went back to sit in the car after walking around a little. I’m not feeling any better exactly, but I’m not feeling any worse and I’m not “crashing” like I was before (which I’m really happy about.) My eyes however are quite sore. I’m really hoping that as chelation progresses the dryness, light sensitivity and soreness goes away. I’m trying to stay off my phone and looking at far objects to help my eyes. Also my face is very sensitive to the sun at the moment. Still spe

Round 17 (4 ALA)

This is what I look like at round 17. Skin is pretty bad   So I am on the last day of round 17.  Thus far I have done 4 rounds of 12.5 DMSA then crashed HARD and then the dump hit HARD (10.2.2022).  9 rounds just 2.5mg DMPS. 4 rounds 2.5mg DMPS + 1mg ALA. So I’m currently sitting at round 17. (still no major crashes like before).  The ALA I believe is increasing my symptoms. It’s just a bit harder getting through each day. Every round is slightly different I have noticed. For round 18 I am just going todo 2.5mg DMPS. I think no ALA for awhile, maybe too early to add it in yet. I don’t think I can handle getting much worse then I already am. I am thinking of doing alternative rounds such as DMPS only, then ALA/DMPS every other week or so. At the moment I am not able to go for walks. Nor can I have a bath or do anything like that. I am just laying down outside listening to audible books. That’s the only thing that is getting me through the day. I try and walk around for exercise but it’s


This is me   Hi there, This is a blog where I will be sharing my story of how I became sick as a normal, healthy university student (I was 22 when I became sick), how I found out I was poisoned with Chronic Mercury Poisoning, how I found the Andy Cutler Chelation method and my ongoing experience recovering from this awful poison. I’m not going to hold back in my posts, the good, the bad and the ugly! This is going to be a long journey (I suspect 2-3 years) I hope my story can help someone else. I am determined to get better, and I want to help other people! So here it is: My name is Georgia, I am 25 years old from Australia. In 2020 I developed these symptoms. They’re are all mainly things I experience 24/7.  •24/7 Debilitating brain fog (my main symptom)  •Dizziness  •No longer able to drive a car  •Felt like the cells of my body hurt  •Body pains •Fatigue •Weakness  •Difficulty walking sometimes (unbalanced)  •Drunk like feeling  •Weight loss •Bloating •Colours became dim  •Trouble f