Round 17 (4 ALA)

This is what I look like at round 17. Skin is pretty bad 

 So I am on the last day of round 17. 

Thus far I have done 4 rounds of 12.5 DMSA then crashed HARD and then the dump hit HARD (10.2.2022). 

9 rounds just 2.5mg DMPS.

4 rounds 2.5mg DMPS + 1mg ALA.

So I’m currently sitting at round 17. (still no major crashes like before). 

The ALA I believe is increasing my symptoms. It’s just a bit harder getting through each day. Every round is slightly different I have noticed. For round 18 I am just going todo 2.5mg DMPS. I think no ALA for awhile, maybe too early to add it in yet. I don’t think I can handle getting much worse then I already am. I am thinking of doing alternative rounds such as DMPS only, then ALA/DMPS every other week or so.

At the moment I am not able to go for walks. Nor can I have a bath or do anything like that. I am just laying down outside listening to audible books. That’s the only thing that is getting me through the day. I try and walk around for exercise but it’s hard. I’m not feeling that great at the moment so I am hoping some single dmps rounds will help me. I have noticed that I need to eat every two hours and that I am way worse in the evenings. Why I have no idea. I don’t sit in the lounge room in the evenings I just go straight to bed. I feel a little pressure in my head right now which is the first time I’ve felt that for a about 2 weeks. Also a little spinny. Everything feels like it’s moving ever so slightly, going up and down, like I am on a boat. It’s a very unpleasant sensation. Finding it hard to even play with my dog outside, even for a few minutes. It is like my body is constantly in a awful icky hangover state. I also feel like I’m not consciously present like I was before I was sick. Like I am in a dream. Or like constantly faint (I’ve been tested for POTS). Standing is a little hard also, I just feel unbalanced. Thinking is hard, like my brain just hurts. Simple problems may as well be the hardest algebraic equation. Even sitting still is hard because I’m in such discomfort. It is very hard to exist in this state right now.  I was trying to learn one Spanish word a day but I am finding I can’t even do that at the moment. I also find it so hard to be around people, I just don’t feel like myself and I want to hide until I’m better lol.  Hard to look at my phone because of my sore eyes. Pretty bad acne. I spend 24/7 in Pajamas at the moment. But I am not having the major crashes like I was before. I just crash a bit in the evenings, where I’m a bit worse. It’s weird. 

Current supplements: Vitamin C, E, Omega 3 fish oil, magnesium, zinc, taurine, glycine, glutamine, sunflower lecithin, ACE, Artichoke extract & milk thistle. Green tea every morning and herbal tea in the evening. Low thiol diet. Eating every 2 hours is very important or I become 20x worse. I believe I have reactive hypoglycemia. Not eating thiols just incase I am thiol sensitive, to be honest I can’t tell whether I am or not. 

I have also been using the sauna regularly. If I had to rate how I feel right now 1 being good and 5 being dying I am a 3. 5.2

So not the best I’m afraid. 😐 it’s still early days 

From all that I’ve read and seen very sick people like me will go up and down and down and up and down. Until they’re better. 

I’ve learned a lot from being so sick. Life is so precious, I can’t wait to get better. Shout out to my dog Wally and my mum, best support and companions I could ask for. 


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