
This is me 

 Hi there,

This is a blog where I will be sharing my story of how I became sick as a normal, healthy university student (I was 22 when I became sick), how I found out I was poisoned with Chronic Mercury Poisoning, how I found the Andy Cutler Chelation method and my ongoing experience recovering from this awful poison. I’m not going to hold back in my posts, the good, the bad and the ugly! This is going to be a long journey (I suspect 2-3 years) I hope my story can help someone else. I am determined to get better, and I want to help other people! So here it is:

My name is Georgia, I am 25 years old from Australia. In 2020 I developed these symptoms. They’re are all mainly things I experience 24/7.

 •24/7 Debilitating brain fog (my main symptom) 


•No longer able to drive a car 

•Felt like the cells of my body hurt 

•Body pains



•Difficulty walking sometimes (unbalanced) 

•Drunk like feeling 

•Weight loss


•Colours became dim 

•Trouble finding words


•Trouble thinking 

•Severe dry eye

•Can’t find words like used to 

•chronic sore eyes

•Short & long term memory loss 

•Difficulty focusing eyes

•Lack of appetite 


•Having to urinate frequently 

•Severe light sensitivity 


•Feeling faint 

•spaced out-spaciness 


•Balance issues 

•Anxiety & depression a little 

•Faintness when I hadn’t eaten protein (meat). Major symptom. This was my first symptom that began about a year before I collapsed with this illness. 


From that day onwards (14th March 2020) I was no longer able to drive a car, work or study due to how intense my symptoms were. I had been feeling “off” for a few months prior but the symptoms really came into effect quite quickly. I was sitting in class at uni when I had a terrible dizzy spell, and then all these cognitive symptoms came flooding in. I got up from my seat and stumbled out into the corridor. I would describe these symptoms that hit me as “severe disabling brain fog.” That was the beginning of my illness and the journey I am on now. That was the last day I was at University. That is the day I became disabled. 

A few years earlier, before I became officially sick, I began to feel faint sometimes when I hadn’t eaten and sometimes I became randomly dizzy. After March 2020 I become essentially house bound. From then on I have been to many many doctors. 2 MRIs (brain scans), neurologist, cardiologists, gastroenterologists, vertigo specialists, chiropractor, physio therapist, psychiatrist,  immunologists, endoscopies, colonoscopies, many many blood tests and no answers for my symptoms.  The only things that came up was an inflamed liver and high ANA (anti nuclear antibodies). I also got diagnosed with SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) by a gastroenterologist through a hydrogen breath test. After antibiotics it went away but non of my symptoms did. I did get quite sick from the antibiotics (couldn’t eat). 

After 1.5 years of being sick I went to a Clinical Naturopath who worked along side a Gastroenterologist I was seeing. I did come up positive for SIBO but after treatment (rifaxamin) I did not improve. The Naturopath tried a hair test on me and it came up with 3.073 ppm of Mercury, that was 5x the safe level. Not that there is a safe level as NO Mercury belongs in the human body. Before this the naturopath was helping me with my gut health. 

At this point I was in such a state of despair I didn’t think it really meant anything, but I decided to look into it. Could this be making me sick? Prior to getting sick I used to work in a seafood market for over 5 years. Being a broke uni student I used to eat sushi ALL the time as I used to get a discount when buying it at work. I also used to eat A-LOT of salmon and tuna at home. It turns out fish is high in MethylMercury. There is even a term for it: Fish Fog. People who eat more then one serving of fish a week (large predatory fish) are at risk of developing high Mercury. A great book to read on this is “Diagnosis Mercury, money politics & poison” By Dr Jane Hightower. It basically talks about the corruption in the seafood industry, fossil fuel industry, bought scientists and the FDA. Also about genetic susceptibility. There are soooo many sources in our environment now. We live in a toxic society, a quick google search will tell you. People also get sick iatrogenically which is why it’s controversial and hushed. There are many many peer reviewed articles and books on the topic. One interesting and devastating event to look up is the Mercury issue in Grassy Narrows. The amount of mercury released by fossil fuel and various companies go up by thousands of tons every year, and only a few millionths of a gram can make you sick. Mercury stores in your fatty tissues like your brain and organs, and doesn’t come out unless you chelate it out. I also used to drink spirulina & chlorella all the time too, so I’m wondering whether that contributed to me getting so sick. I used to drink it in orange juice thinking it was good for me lol . Chlorella is to be avoided if you are mercury toxic as it has a weak bond to mercury, it will move it all over the place without actually holding onto and it strong enough for the mercury to exit the body. Mercury is also in common house hold objects too, like light globes, switches, batteries, thermometers etc. The FDA is VERY slow on banning things, they are heavily influenced by outside parties who have conflicted interests. I don’t know exactly where the exposure was and when, but what I do know there has been a definite exposure somewhere. Genetics play a big roll by who is affected also. Also Chronic Mercury poisoning can be hard to diagnose. Many peoples hair levels are come out 0 Mercury even when they’re toxic. That’s because they are not getting rid of Mercury and they may have a type of Mercury which does not show up in a hair test. Andy Cutler has a book on how to read hair tests based on mineral derangement. Also, Mercury does not stay in the blood for long. It stays in body tissue and fatty areas such as organs and the brain where autopsies of these tissues are dangerous and painful. Urine tests are useless too, as a person who has chronic poisoning will not be peeing out their Mercury as it is stuck in their body. 

The naturopath gave me a concoction of different things to take such a cilantro, chlorella, NAC and some mineral supplementation. A few weeks went by and I was getting worse not better. I was beginning to feel a tingling in the inside of my brain and this spinny spaced out feeling I hadn’t felt before. I was pretty shocked to say the least. Doctors had given me other medication before but nothing had provoked a change in my symptoms. I was hoping this meant it was working. Maybe I did have Mercury after all !! So I kept taking it. But I was getting worse and worse. When I finally realised no something isn’t right I began having these crashes where I’d become so dizzy I had to lay down and just breath. I would also feel this intense anxiety and panic when I had a crash. When I was taking the herbs my mum actually took me to the emergency room twice as I felt so unwell.  I went to my integrative GP who told me about a challenge test. It’s when you take a large amount of DMSA/DMPS and then collect your urine for a few hours afterward to see how many metals come out. So I stopped the herbs and did the challenge test. I took 1,500mg DMSA. 

A few days later, I felt like I was going to die. It hit me on the 22nd of December 2021 and I was totally bed ridden. The ground was moving up and down. The room was spinning, I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t stand, I couldn’t even sit up in bed. This lasted for 1 week. After this experience I dived into investigation mode and I found out taking herbs and challenge tests are DANGEROUS! They move Mercury around, they do not chelate it safely out. But at least this confirmed yep, I have a problem with Mercury. Otherwise the chelators wouldn’t have made me so much sicker. 

Then I found the Andy Cutler method for chelation. There are lots of strict rules you have to follow diligently. It’s basically taking chelators either ALA, DMSA or DMPS at LOW doses based on their half life for 3 days on 4 days off. This protocol was created by Andy Cutler PhD, who was a research bio chemical engineer and licensed patented agent. He himself got sick from mercury and then created the protocol, he then spent his life helping people and creating the protocol for recovery. Like I have learnt the hard way, don’t fuck with chemicals, leave it to the experts; and that’s Dr. Andy Cutler. Books to read on ACC is Amalgam Illness- Andy Cutler, Mercury Detoxification Manual by Rebecca lee & Andy Cutler, and Mercury Poisoning the undiagnosed epidemic- David Hammond. You can also look up the Andy Cutler Chelation group on Facebook or just on google, he’s pretty famous but not as well known as he should be.

So I started the supportive supplements (Vitamin C, E, Zinc, magnesium etc ) and 12.5 mg DMSA. But while taking it I was still feeling not good. I was still crashing and having to run to my bed and lay down in a state. Then, the day after my 4th round ended it hit me (10.2.2022) The crash after the challenge test but times it by 5. I was bed ridden for 11 days straight. The day after the last round at around 11/12pm I started to feel sick and vomited. Then I was bed ridden with severe on a boat like sensation, shaking, tingles in brain etc. The starting dose was wayyyyyyy too high. I believe the dump started at that time too. Since then I’m a lot sicker. But I believe that is mostly because of the dump beginning. It’s when your blood clears of Mercury then your organs begin dumping stored Mercury out. It’s the body’s way to reach equilibrium. I cannot go for walks since, nor anything besides listening to audible books and walking around the house like a zombie. I just over all feel worse. But this is normal and it is tolerable, unlike before with the unsafe detox methods. I am having no crazy random crashes and tingling in my brain where I had to run to my bed. 

After a break I started 2.5mg DMPS (4.4.2022) and it’s going better (no more crashes or tingling in the brain).

I will be updating this blog on progress and regress, mostly so I can keep track of what’s happening in one place. There will be a lot of ups and downs I know. I thank Anthony Marshall ‘Road to Recovery’  for his videos on YouTube. Our symptoms and experiences are so so similar. Thanks for being such an inspiration and so strong. I always re watch your videos when I feel like giving up.  Also shout out to ‘Mercury No more’ by Joe Ruggiero for sharing his experience and giving me the idea to create a blog. 

These are a list of things I have been reading and watching to help with my recovery: 

Books to read: 

•Amalgam Illness- Andy cutler PhD 

A MUST READ: The Detoxification Manual- Andy Cutler PhD & Rebecca Lee Rust 

•Mercury: undiagnosed epidemic- David Hammond 

•Diagnosis Mercury: money, politics & poison - Dr Jane Hightower 

•Getting the Mercury out- Aine Ni Cheallaigh 

Videos to watch & links:

Excellent documentary on the subject: “Trace Amounts”

Methyl Mercury poisoning in fish:


The dangers of Methyl Mercury in fish:


Andy Cutler presentation:

Road to Recovery (Mercury toxicity survivor)

Maybe it’s mercury Rebecca Rust:

Dr Jane Hightower presentation & interview: 



Robert F Kennedy discussing his health problems due to mercury in fish, as well as using the DMSA & ALA to get better 


Health coach and mercury toxicity survivor:

Andy Cutler Chelation success stories:


Andy Cutler Chelation on Facebook 

• Robert Kennedy Dr on Joe Rogan podcast talks about mercury. It is on Spotify 


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