Round 21 (7 ALA)

 Thus far I have done:

 4 rounds 12.5 mg DMSA

 10 rounds  2.5 DMPS 

7 rounds 2.5 mg DMPS+ 1mg ALA (so in total 21 rounds). 

I am planning on doing another combo round tomorrow for round 22.  I am not finding ALA too hard now. I think I’m going to be able todo ALA every week (hopefully). But overall I don’t feel any better, but not any worse either. 

I have noticed that I usually feel worse on the third and fourth OFF day and worse after 11am and in the evenings. Today I actually went with my mum to a garden center but I went back to sit in the car after walking around a little. I’m not feeling any better exactly, but I’m not feeling any worse and I’m not “crashing” like I was before (which I’m really happy about.) My eyes however are quite sore. I’m really hoping that as chelation progresses the dryness, light sensitivity and soreness goes away. I’m trying to stay off my phone and looking at far objects to help my eyes. Also my face is very sensitive to the sun at the moment. Still spending most of the day laying down listening to audible books. I have been in the dump for approx 5 months now. 

Not too much to report but no crashes which is still a win. Still heavy brain fog, disorientation, some dizziness, on a boat sensation, sometimes I feel pressure in the head and faintness when I haven’t eaten. 

I’m hoping to increase my ALA soon. Maybe by round 30. Still not going for walks or watching movies in the lounge. I am drawing a little when my eyes aren’t too sore. 

Still using my sauna blanket regularly. If I had to rate how I feel 1 being great, 5 being dying, I would be 3.5 


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