Round 30 (14 ALA)

 So today is the last day of round 30, OFF day. Tomorrow will be round 31 and I’m going todo DMPS 2.5 mg, 1.5mg ALA as that was what I did for the latest round. 

I am better then the last time I posted. I had a bad dip for about a week. Just felt altogether worse. I need to remember that when I am having a dip that it won’t last forever. But it’s hard to at the time. 

I have noticed that when I do have a bad dip my symptoms just become more extreme and I also gain head pressure and weird sensations in my brain. But then the weird sensations/head pressure lessen when I’m not so bad. 

I am looking at supporting my adrenals. I am wondering if they are contributing to my symptoms and why I feel worse at some periods of the day. I have started to take Ashwaganda in the morning (capsule) and one teaspoon on licorice morning and evening. I am going to read up more on adrenals. I find that I go down around 11am, 3pm and sometimes in the evenings. One way to describe my symptoms sometimes is like my head is full of water, and it’s sloshing around. 

My eyes haven’t been as sore since I started using a filter for my showering etc. 

I am currently taking vitamin c, milk thistle, zinc, magnesium, flax seed, fish oil, ashwaganda, licorice, taurine, glycine, sunflower lecithin, ACE, vitamin E. I sometimes have an epsom salt bath. When I’m not feeling too good I have ginger tea. 

I am not going to take glutamine as when I take it I always feel worse around that time. It’s hard to know if it’s a coincidence or not. I’ve stopped using the sauna as I’m not sure if they’re stressing mr adrenals out or not. 

Also a few rounds back, when I did ALA, on the first day ON round I had a sudden burst of intense sadness and irritability come over me. Which lasted a few hours then faded away. Weird. 

Current symptoms: relentless brain fog, feel like I’m on a boat, disorientation, faintness when I haven’t eaten etc all the same ones really. Still unable to stand for long period of time and I can’t take my dog for a walk. But when I’m feeling not so bad I can do a bit of drawing.  I have noticed my skin improving (not so much acne). I have switched to all non-toxic products and I’m using Grown Alchemist. I think my sleep is improving, but things are up and down so it’s hard to say definitively. I am also able to exercise for like 10 minutes doing sit ups and with dumbbells for 10 minutes sometimes, and when I’m not feeling too bad I can go for a short car ride. 

I’ve been able to stay up (mostly) till 7:30pm where I’ll then go to bed and watch a show for awhile. I just finished Jeffery Dahmer on Netflix, sooo crazy. 

I know my blog can appear a little negative as I am not posting amazing results and improvements. But I know in my heart and from what I am experiencing that this is a long long long road, down a difficult path. I am one of the really sick ones too.

If I had to rate how I feel 1 being really good and 5 being dying I am about 3.5 

In my heart I think I will be getting a lot better by rounds 60+ 

Let’s see ! (: 


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