Round 50 (34 ALA)

 So today is the worst day in a long long time. All the days I thought were really bad are nothing compared to today. I was actually feeling a little better last night and thought I was coming out of a 12 day crash. I even cycled to the post office quickly yesterday arvo and took Wally for a short walk. 

At around 10:50am today (Saturday) I had a very sudden dizzy spell where I had to sit down immediately. Since then I’ve been feeling fked. Head is sloshy like a bucket of water. Feeling so so so sick. 

I dono why I am like this. I am wondering whether I had suddenly become very thiol sensitive as I have not been very strict with my diet. A few months ago I started cooking Mexican with different herbs and spices and I’m wondering if this is contributing. I also have eaten a few already made packaged foods that contain hidden “spices”

Feeling spinny, pressure in head, really thirsty, hard to walk, hard to think, pressure in jaw and back on head ? 

Feeling emotional, a strong sense of despair and I am scared I won’t recover and scared I will get even sicker. 

I have a bad habit of only posting on here when I’m doing really bad 

Rating 3.5.3 


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