Things I have noticed

 I thought I would make a page where I can dot things down that I have noticed through my healing journey

-Diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism. Started desiccated thyroid extract on the 19th august 60mg. Antibodies 1600 

-Big crash in June. Was it because I did 5.5mg ALA? When I’m crash I had that everything slightly turning to the left feel. Still haven’t bounced back from the crash but the left spinny thing has stopped. 

19/7/23- still haven’t come back well after my crash. I have this spinny like sensation where I feel like the room is turning to the left ? I am going to explore possible mould exposure, vertigo and support my liver more. I am stopping my supplements then going to add back in to see if they’re contributing to me getting sick. I am just doing 2.5mg DMPS now. 

•30/6/23- Sauna 15 min 

•16/6/23 Epic crash = Have reduced ALA . 

•12/6/23 now on 5.5mg ALA 

•12/4/24 have added in more supplements: chromium picolinate, ashwaganda, bilberry, organ meat capsules, berberine. 

•10/4/23: Managed todo 3 rounds in a row of ALA and so far no dizzy spells. I am doing a break of ALA for round 56 as I have been feeling rough for like 13 weeks now. I have one “better” day then like a solid 6 rough days or something like it. Since round 43 ish until now it’s been like that.  I dono what’s going on. I also have developed a rash on my right thigh and I will monitor is closely to see if it’s an allergic reaction to DMPS. I have been a bit more emotional lately as I am feeling a bit of despair. Every day is a struggle to get through. Every day I say I’ll get better soon. Soon. Hope is the only thing keeping me here. Also from my last drs appointment a few days ago I have been told I have insulin resistance. Makes sense because I feel like I can actually faint when I haven’t eaten for a few hours. 

•I am going to start a 3mg ALA round tomorrow for round 53 (36 ALA) and see how it goes. 

•14th March Round 52 finally out of crash 

•So today is round 51 (34 ALA) and I have done 14 rounds in a row with ALA, this round will make 15. I think I’ve been over doing it. I think I may need to take breaks with ala like I was doing before. Next week I think I’ll just go DMPS depending on how I feel. 

•pretty intense dizzy spell 10:50am Saturday 4/3/23 Round 50 weird cause I’m doing my usual 1.5mg Ala and 2.5mg DMPS 

•Thinking back I think drinking chlorella & spirulina contributed to my toxicity between the ages of 16-20 As these algae have a chemical affinity for heavy metals. 

•Coming out of the crash now, took like 12 days, it’s now 3/3/23 Friday. 

•I have had a crash on the 19.2.23, it is the 10th day of the crash and I feel like absolute shit. Crash round 49 and it’s round 50 (34 ALA) now Wednesday. Cannot go for walk etc. super weak, more unbalanced, feel like I’m on a boat, a little nauseous. Head pressure also. 

•The 40s have been really rough. I am having a hard time with reactive hypoglycaemia. 

•Completed 20 ALA  rounds in a row 22.2.23 Round 49 (33 ALA). 

•Round 49 (33 ALA) has been harsh. Small dizzy spell today (21/2/23) Tuesday ON day. 1.5 mg ALA + 2.5 mg DMPS 3 hr. Emotionally and physically fed up with being this sick. I’m scared I’m never going to get better. I have been worse for about a month now. Just harder days. My rating right now would be 3.5.2

•Doing dosage every 2:40 min from rounds 46 (30 ALA) 30/1/2023 Will see what happens. Update * so it’s the second OFF day 10/2/23 and I had a dizzy spell in the evening. Looks like I can’t do 2:40 min dosing. 

•Attempted to raise ALA by 0.5 mg (so 2mg) on round 37 (28/11/23) and round 38 (21 ALA) (5/12/22). had 2x dizzy spells on the first OFF day on Thursday round 38. Dose too high I suspect. 

•I got severe dizzy spells that would last about 20 seconds (whole room would begin to tilt and would get this awful awful sensation in my brain) when I took unsafe herbs as chelators, after I did a challenge test, when the dump started and when I tried to up my dose from 1.5mg ALA to 2mg ALA. 

•I have a severe crash every 4-7 weeks and it will last about 11 days. All symptoms become more severe and I can’t do anything but lay there. 

•Round 37 ish my eyes began to feel less sore (not constantly burning). (28/11/22).  I am not going to use eye cleaning products as I think that’s more detrimental. Why would you put on solution that will kill both good and bad bacteria? That’s like taking an antibiotic to fix gut dysbiosis.

•My white tongue I had has improve/is gone now. I don’t know when it cleared up maybe rounds 25+. I still have rash on my side and middle of my back (currently round 42). 

•During rounds 20-30ish of which I would take ALA I would get super sad for the first day. Like all the happiness was sucked from the world. Then that feeling would go away as the round went on. 

•My first symptom of me getting sick was reactive hypoglycaemia. I think this began 1.5 years before I became officially struck down in March 2020. 

•Round 30+ I have become severely sensitive to the sun, mainly in my face. I get burnt sitting outside in the shade.



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