Round 41 (25 ALA)

 So today is Friday, so it’s an OFF day coming out of round 41. Tomorrow is New Years Eve. Well I’ve been in th dump well and truly for 10 months now. This time last year I was just recovering from doing a disastrous challenge test, which left me bed bound for a few days with the ground going up and down. I have to admit tho I remember feeling better last year on New Years than I do right now. The dump is horrid. 

I am in the middle of a crash. I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to upload my blog during a crash but I want to come back to this blog when I’m better and never forget how horrific and how much agony I was in.

So I got Covid in November (around the 13th), it was like a really bad flu. Before I got hit with covid I was doing okay, I even did some gardening. But since then it’s been a little rocky. I have on a few occasions rose my bicycle to the post office and I took my dog for a walk. I wouldn’t do either of those things right now, even for $500. There has been a few days before this crash were I rated how I feel being 3.4. But I’ve been feeling really bad for 1.5 weeks now. 

I also recently bought a rebounder and a cobra punching bag for exercise but I can’t currently use either. But I was able to use them before the crash. I have been trying to draw at least one a day. 

I have also introduced probiotic yogurt, activated chai seeds, liver, and Native Australian bush food into my diet. I am taking the core 4 plus, milk thistle, sunflower lecithin. I have ran out out ACE and taurine, glycine. 

So I am noticing I crash every once and awhile and I’m definitely in one now. I have severe head pressure, it feels like I’m on a boat (a awful, awful sensation), no appetite, bad balance, weird sensation in my head, epic brain fog, weak,  disorientation, can’t think/focus. I feel faint all the time. I can’t really stand for more then a few minutes at a time. The room feels like it’s moving slightly. One thing that may be making me feel bad is thiols. I was cooking a lot of Mexican food thinking I am not that thiol sensitive but I think I might be. I am also insanely sensitive to the sun, I have to wear this hat that covers your face otherwise I burn even in the shade. 

One thing that’s improved though is my eyes, they’re still sore but they’re NOT as bad as they have been for the last two years. They began to feel not as bad around round 37/38. THANKGOD! 

So I also did 2mg ALA is a row then after the second round I had 3 dizzy spells. One on one day and then two in one day on the OFF days. So I am back to just doing 2.5mg DMPS+1.5mg ALA. 

I’ve also bought an acupuncture mat, and I’ve started using gua sha and a jade roller for my skin. 

My mum is going up north tomorrow so I’m going to have to fend for myself for awhile. Waiting for this crash to end. The scary thing is when you’re in a crash is you feel like it’s never going to end, it’s also easy to feel really scared.  If I had to rate how I feel right now 1 being normal and 5 being dying I would be 3.5.2 

I will update when I am out of this crash to compare. 


Round 42 (26 ALA), Wednesday 1.5 mg ALA + 2.5mg DMPS. So it’s the 4/1/23 and I’m definitely coming out of the crash. I looked at my calendar and the crash began on the 23/12/22, meaning the crash lasted 11 days. The middle end bit was the worst I’d say. Still feeling all my symptoms just not as severe. I took my dog for a little walk this morning and I managed to cycle to the post office and back quickly. When I came home I had to sit down for awhile as I felt just slightly spiny. 

I am going forward with no thiols. I have ordered more supplants, liver and adrenal support: Glycine, taurine, molybdenum, Adrenal Cortex. I ran out of all of them about a month ago. 

** so it’s a few hours since I updated that I was feeling better and I now feel like I’m in the worst bit of the crash. Severe head pressure, disorientation, just awful. I dono what’s going on and I’m so upset cause I feel so awful and I thought I was feeling better. Feeling very disheartened and fed up :( 


Round 42 (26 ALA) 7/1/22 Saturday OFF day, definitely out of the crash. Was able to take Wally to the doggy park, walk around a little, I did manage to cycle to the post office quickly yesterday. I also watered the plants . Crash lasted 14 days. 


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