This time last year

 So this time last year I had been given the herbs for my 3.073 ppm of mercury hair test by a naturopath, and I was getting worse and worse.

I wish so badly that I kept a journal this time last year but from what I remember this is when my “crashes” began to creep up on me. I was beginning to feel spacier and spacier. I had done 1 art lesson October 28th ish and I was too sick todo another one. I remember because I was talking about Halloween.  I was scared to have another art lesson cause one second it would be ok ish and then bam the spaciness would hit me, then out be out for like a day. I also remember trying to put an art easel together and it was like the hardest thing in the world. 

Another memory is getting so spacey I went to the ER I think in the beginning of November ish. Then in December I actually stopped herbs altogether. Another is I used to be able to take my dog for a long walk but the herbs only allowed me to take my dog to the park and straight home. I felt too unbalanced and out of it. 

The herbs I was taking were:

•MCP+ Modified citrus pectin (chelation combination)

•Matrix phase detox 

•Super greens (chlorella and spirulina)  

(All contained chlorella & cilantro) BIG NO NO 


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