
Showing posts from October, 2022

This time last year

 So this time last year I had been given the herbs for my 3.073 ppm of mercury hair test by a naturopath, and I was getting worse and worse. I wish so badly that I kept a journal this time last year but from what I remember this is when my “crashes” began to creep up on me. I was beginning to feel spacier and spacier. I had done 1 art lesson October 28th ish and I was too sick todo another one. I remember because I was talking about Halloween.  I was scared to have another art lesson cause one second it would be ok ish and then bam the spaciness would hit me, then out be out for like a day. I also remember trying to put an art easel together and it was like the hardest thing in the world.  Another memory is getting so spacey I went to the ER I think in the beginning of November ish. Then in December I actually stopped herbs altogether. Another is I used to be able to take my dog for a long walk but the herbs only allowed me to take my dog to the park and straight home. I felt too unbal

Round 30 (14 ALA)

 So today is the last day of round 30, OFF day. Tomorrow will be round 31 and I’m going todo DMPS 2.5 mg, 1.5mg ALA as that was what I did for the latest round.  I am better then the last time I posted. I had a bad dip for about a week. Just felt altogether worse. I need to remember that when I am having a dip that it won’t last forever. But it’s hard to at the time.  I have noticed that when I do have a bad dip my symptoms just become more extreme and I also gain head pressure and weird sensations in my brain. But then the weird sensations/head pressure lessen when I’m not so bad.  I am looking at supporting my adrenals. I am wondering if they are contributing to my symptoms and why I feel worse at some periods of the day. I have started to take Ashwaganda in the morning (capsule) and one teaspoon on licorice morning and evening. I am going to read up more on adrenals. I find that I go down around 11am, 3pm and sometimes in the evenings. One way to describe my symptoms sometimes is li