
Showing posts from November, 2022

Round 35 (19 ALA)

 Today is the last ON day for round 35. I have just finished my 6th DMPS 2.5mg + ALA 1.5 mg in a row. I would say This is progress ! I haven’t had a dip where I would have to stop ALA. Today I did a lot of chores as my mum is currently in Sydney for a Holiday. I managed to move some stuff around, draw 1/5 a picture, and move out some bushes for a cabin we are putting in.  I have been taking Licorice & Ashwaganda and it may be helping me. I don’t feel any better exactly but I haven’t had a big dip, and I guess I am able todo more chores. My skin is looking better now I’m using Grown Alchemist.  My eyes are still super sore all the time and even looking at a screen to write this is hard. My rating of how I feel has been going down to 3.4 and 3. 4.5 the last few weeks. 1 being really good and 5 being dying. I was 3 out of 5 before my major crash and what I believe the dump beginning.  Still not able to go for a walk though, severe brain fog, drunk feeling, cells of my body hurt, still