
Showing posts from August, 2022

6 months since crash/dump hit

So today is six months from my major major crash. Where I believe the dump hit (10.2.2022). Currently on round 23, 9 rounds ALA.  Funnily enough I got hit with food poisoning this morning, so I am feeling awful.  But I’m just glad to hit this milestone. In the 6 months since that crash I haven’t had another one like it. So that is a positive (:  Currently on round 23 (2.5mg DMPS + 1mg ALA). Before this round I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able todo ALA but I just went ahead. I’m pretty sure after 3 rounds of ALA continuous I begin to feel worse neurologically. It must build up.  On a boat sensation, head sensation, nauseous, haven’t eaten for 12 hours now, upset stomach. Pretty sick. Gritting my teeth to get through the day. If I had to rate how I feel I would be 3.5.1 (1 being good, 5 being dying).  I’ve been having pretty sore eyes lately; things I’ve been doing: Warm eye compresses, Nulids eye treatment. I’m going to try taking flaxseed oil and taping my eyes closed at night. Ne